Educa Login

We also provide an online tool where teachers document your childs learning, where you can view on line. We use a programme called Educa. If you choose to use Educa, your child will still continue to have a hard copy Learning Journey where learning is also documented. We believe that children being exposed to literacy throughout their environment promotes, increased awareness of how to take care of a book, turning pages, and what better than a book about them!

All  documentation is linked to Te Whaariki the Early Childhood Curriculum, and Tataiako- Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Maori Learners.

Learning Journeys are useful assessment material, and are displayed at the children’s level for re-visiting, and empowerment.

Other observations, Artwork, photographs or any other material that your child has worked on as well as narratives about your child’s involvement in the programme or individual learning is documented  into the  Learning Journey, and Educa if you choose this option.